The wondrous worlds of Alli Rense

Hi, I'm Alli. I write speculative fiction, toeing the line between science fiction and fantasy. I write stories that are thought-provoking, emotional, and strange. I pull inspiration from my years of experience in technology and programming to craft stories that transform the mundane into magic.

Illustration of a moth

Current Projects

Short Stories

I'm polishing a few short science fiction stories. These stories take normal humans and put them in extraordinary circumstances. Email me if they sound like a good fit for your publication.


I'm writing the first draft of an urban fantasy novel. This is the story of a barista set in a city where coffee shops are not all they seem, and technology is indistinguishable from magic. Free vibes on the Pinterest board.

Meet Alli

As a mom with a full-time job as a software startup cofounder, finding time to write can be challenging. Thankfully, I have an amazingly supportive husband who does most of the cooking. I live in Michigan near Lake Michigan with my husband, two kids, dog, and cat. An unabashed cat lover, I also enjoy knitting, walking, traveling, art, and reading lots and lots of books.

Photo of Alli, a blonde white woman against a gray background
Photo of Sashimi, a fluffy light orange cat with books in the background

Meet Sashimi

Sashimi has been my best friend, confidant, and the first to hear my stories since she chose me at the shelter in November, 2012. Born on the 4th of July, Sashimi loves peanut butter, face pets, and warm laptop keyboards.

Whispering into the Void

A newsletter about writing and other things

Whispering into the Void is a free, sporadically updated newsletter where I write about life, parenting, cats, technology, and writing itself.